Gather together to celebrate Earth Day with Bellair Farm and earth-loving activities! Saturday, April 20th, from 9am-2pm, there will be the following activities:
9-10 am Secretary’s Road Trash Clean Up: join a small group of volunteers in the morning to clean up the road leading to the Bellair Farm driveway. For volunteers age 16+. Sign up here.
11am-12pm Plant Walk with Little Bluestem: Little Bluestem cultivates a resilient and harmonious future for Central Virginia’s land and people, human and otherwise. They seed, tend, and distribute native plants that are essential to our bioregional ecosystem. All plants are grown from responsibly and lovingly gathered local genotype seeds. Plant Walks with members of Little Bluestem around the Bellair lands will include education regarding native plants, their benefits for non-humans and humans alike, identification tools, succession ecology, seed collection protocols, and more.
Ongoing Activities throughout the day:
- Plant Sales herbs and Spring vegetables from Bellair Farm, medicinals from Gathered Threads, and native plants from Little Bluestem
- Clothing Swap: contact us if you are interested in bringing clean, gently-used clothing.
- Garden Supply & Seed Swap: bring us your excess seeds and any gardening tools that you no longer need!
- Farm Supply Giveaways: extra pallets, greenhouse plastic, row cover, and landscape fabric that you can use for your home garden
- Collection Stations: bring us clean, gently used paper bags, Bellair plant pots & blue-green pint/quart containers from last year that we can reuse <— you can bring these to market/barn store staff NOW or on Earth Day
Local food vendors will be on site and the Barn Store will be open as usual with produce, pastured meat & eggs, local food products and Spring plants for sale.
This event is FREE and open to the public.