Historical society votes to close Hatton Ferry

The last publicly accessible poled ferry in the United States may have traveled its final trip this past summer.

On January 14th, the Board of the Albemarle Charlottesville Historical Society voted to decommission the Hatton Ferry.  Located approximately 5 miles from Scottsville, the ferry began operating in the late 1870s, connecting Albemarle and Buckingham counties for decades.

Today, a ride on the ferry offered residents a unique opportunity to experience times past. However, the decision to discontinue its use has been a long time coming, according to ACHS Board member Ted Coates.  Last fall, the board explored options for a smaller vessel to enable increased usage during low water as the ferry had only been able to operate 12-20 days per year due to low water. Safety issues with the cable system and the vessel itself were also a concern in recent years. The ACHS Board had approached local organizations to take over the ferry before reaching its decision earlier this month. 

 On February 4th, ACHS will host a public meeting at 5pm at the Scottsville Town Hall to explain the decision and discuss options for future promotion of the historic site. Contact Coates with any questions at tedc33@outlook.com.

Read more about the ferry’s history here.

Hatton Ferry c. 1910