It is the end of era for Scottsville Elementary School.
On June 7th, Nurse Vivian Fewell turned in her stethoscope for the last time after nearly 26 years with the school.
“The children loved her,” said Principal Cyndi Wells. “Everyone knew Viv. She was so gentle with the kids. There’s a hole in our hearts.”
Current and former students sent letters to the long-time nurse remembering their time with Fewell and brought her flowers on her last day.
“It was bittersweet,” Fewell said. “I did lots of crying. There were so many good years here.”
Fewell transitioned to the school after working in pediatrics at the University of Virginia Northridge. She completed her nursing program through Martha Jefferson and UVA Pediatrics.
“It was something different,” she said of the decision. “I felt like every day there could be one child I could help or make feel better then I felt like I had done my job.”
For Crystal Johnson, Fewell did that and more when her son, Johnathan, fell ill at school.
“To me, Mrs. Viv is not just a school nurse, but the person who saved my son’s life,” she said. “She has so much compassion for all the children at Scottsville Elementary.”
Johnson said that during his 4th grade year, Johnathan lost his balance walking in the hallway and became unresponsive. Fewell’s fast action got him to the hospital where she stayed with him until his parents arrived. Now, he’s a senior in high school.
“She was so quick,” Johnson said of Fewell. “Mrs. Viv knew exactly what to do. We love her dearly and are sad to see her leave Scottsville!”
Fewell remembered that day as one of her most challenging throughout the years. She said she kept a log each day and recalled a time when she had 84 students visit her in a day. She helped with everything from band-aids to upset stomachs to just students who needed to talk.
“She is so warm and loving,” said Janet Lilly, school office assistant. “We had to stop them from just going to her all the time. She supported students, families and staff to keep us safe.”
Fewell said her time at the school was a learning experience as well, coming from emergency pediatrics.
“You’re not only dealing with the student, but the student’s siblings, parents,” she said. “I got to know a lot of nice parents. I was very happy there. Every job has its downs, but there’s a great community at Scottsville.”
During her retirement, Fewell hopes to spend time with her new granddaughter as well as volunteer at a local nursing home and the SPCA.