Celebrate Mother’s Day all weekend long!
Thursday, May 9
- Music Bingo at Eastwood Farm and Winery from 6-8pm. $5 glasses of wine, beer, and cider all day! More details at eastwoodfarmandwinery.com.
- Dual Game Night at Hardware Hills Vineyard at 6:30pm. Join for a unique and new twist on game night- play trivia and bingo simultaneously! Max of 6 per team, pre-registration required. Must be over 21 years old. Visit hardwarehills.com for more information.
Friday, May 10
- Virginia Oyster & Wine Celebration at Eastwood Farm and Winery from 5-8pm. Live music featuring John Kelly. More details at eastwoodfarmandwinery.com.
- Live music featuring Old Age & Trechery at Hardware Hills Vineyard from 5:30-7:30pm. Visit hardwarehills.com for more information.
Saturday, May 11
- Scottsville Farmer’s Market at the Scottsville Pavilion from 9am-1pm. Rain or shine. For information, visit scottsvillefarmersmarket.org.
- Scottsville Blood Drive at Scottsville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall from 9am-2pm. Held by the American Red Cross and co-sponsored by the SUMC Methodist Men and James River Good Works Group. Make an appointment at redcrossblood.org.
- B.F. Yancey Community Food Pantry Distribution at Yancey Community Center from 10am-12pm. Contact bfycfoodpantry@gmail.com for more information.
- Visit with the goats at the Scottsville Library from 10-11am. Come by the library to visit with some adorable goats while learning about them and how to care for them. Rain cancels event. Visit jmrl.org for more information.
- Hillside Spring Market at Hardware Hillshttp://Svilleartsandnature.square.site Vineyard from 11am-5pm. Live music, food and craft vendors, raffle baskets, specialty drinks. Visit hardwarehills.com for more information.
- Live music featuring Porch Dogs at Eastwood Farm and Winery from 1-4pm. More details at eastwoodfarmandwinery.com.
- Battle of the Bands at James River Brewery from 3-7:30pm. Celebrate the opening of the Beer Garden season! $5 entry fee. 4 bands, cold brews, Mr. Z’s BBQ, and games! Visit jrbrewery.com for more details.
- Eastwood After Dark featuring at East(804) Band at Eastwood Farm and Winery from 5-8pm. Gather your friends and family and join us on Saturday nights for live music that you’ll want to dance to! More details at eastwoodfarmandwinery.com.
- The Mom Journals Encore Performance at Hardware Hills Vineyard at 7:30pm. Written and directed by Courtney Jett Walker. Purchase tickets here.
Sunday, May 12
- Mother’s Day Celebration at Eastwood Farm and Winery from 12-5pm. An event benefiting Forward Foundation with Heart of Virginia Artisans. Live music featuring Heidi Riddell from 1-4pm. More details at eastwoodfarmandwinery.com.
Have an event going on? Let us know about it at scottsvillenews.com!